I'm really thankful to have such great friends in my life. Tonight, Ashley and I stopped by the Sower's house and got into a discussion on Truth with Grace. It is so great to have friends that we can pop in on at pretty much any time and be able to have a deep, meaningful conversation with them. I thank the Sowers for their wisdom and for speaking truth into our lives...with grace.
We played in Kilgore, TX yesterday with Jon Randles. It is always awesome to be with him. There were a number of folks that made decisions, which was really cool.
I started teaching a new student today. I can already tell that she has a great aptitude for learning music. I thank God for the provision that he provides for Ash and me.
I also had my second group lesson with 3 guitarists at the Otas house. We stayed for pizza, heard Kayla rock some Greensleeves on the French Horn, and I got to put the Ota's son Carter to sleep with 'Green Eggs and Ham' and 'Where the Wild Things Are,' two of my personal favorites. It was a great day.
Now off to bed...going to feed the homeless downtown with Justin tomorrow. Aaron out.
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